Q: When is the football season?
A: Football is a fall sport, which is played from late July through late October. The League Playoff & Championship games, as well as Regional Championship games are typically played in November. The National Championship is played in December.
Q: How are the teams divided?
A: Ages 5-6, U6
Ages 6-7, U7
Ages 8-9, U9
Ages 10-11, U11
Ages 12-13, U13
Q: How do parents keep abreast of what's going on?
A: Check the Water-Oak Football & Cheer (OWYAA) website on a regular basis, as well as our Facebook page. When registering, make sure you provide your e-mail address and cell phone number to receive notices about the various team and league activities.
Q: Is there a mandatory fundraiser?
A: In order to help keep costs down, OWYAA requires that each player participates in our annual raffle. Each player is required to sell 20 tickets. Tickets are $5.00 a piece.
Q: Can I volunteer?
A: OWYAA depends on volunteers to coach, manage teams and coordinate all aspects of the program. We welcome your input and time to make the program fun, challenging, and rewarding for the players.
Q: Any Further questions?
A: Please contact our Football Commissioner. The Football Commissioner's e-mail address can be found under the Contact Us section of our website.

Q: How much is football registration?
A: $300 for tackle football and $150 for U6 flag football.
Q: What does my tackle football registration fee cover?
A: Helmet, shoulder pads, game jersey, game pants, practice jersey, Guardian Cap, mouthguard, game socks, referees, EMT's at home games, use of team equipment, insurance, tournament fees, coaches training, to name just a few.
Q: What does my U6 flag football registration fee cover?
A: Guardian | Xenith Loop, game jersey, mouthguard, game socks, referees, EMT's at home games, use of team equipment, insurance, tournament fees, coaches training, to name just a few.
Q: How does our family register?
A: Register online
Q: Why is registration in the spring for the fall season?
A: While it seems early, there are a number of items that must be completed in the spring/summer including team submission to the leagues, uniform and equipment ordering, as well as coordinating field time.
Q: What is the deadline for registration?
A: Registration deadline dates vary each season. Please check for additional information on our registration page for late fee date and the registration closing date.
Q: What is OWYAA Refund policy?
A: Prior to the first practice on August 1st - full refund of registration fees. If after August 1st and within the first week of practice (M-F), 1/2 refund of registration fees. After the first week of practice, no refund.
Q: What happens after I register my player?
A: OWYAA needs a complete doctor's consent form (include medical insurance), a birth certificate, a participant application signed by both player and parent, completed code of conduct, and a copy of end of year report card. *No refund will be honored until ALL equipment or uniform pieces have been received by OWYAA.*
Q: Where do I return my paperwork?
A: Online.
Q: What equipment do I need to get for my player?
A: Football pants with integrated pads (7 pad) for practices, cleats, athletics support/cup, larger water bottle.
Q: Does OWYAA provide any equipment to the player?
A: Helmet, mouthguard, shoulder pads, Guardian Cap, game jersey, game pants, practice jersey, and games socks. *For U6 flag football, a Guardian | Xenith Loop is provided, as well as game jersey, mouthguard, & game socks.